Curated by Exhibit Assistants Sarah Helm & Erin Platte
Humans have always traveled, but our reasons for travel have changed and multipled over time. Travel has evolved into an industry with social, economic, and environmental impacts. People all over the world make journeys, whether beginning a religiously motivated trek, seeking an adventure in a remote place, or enjoying a family vaction.
Over time, these travels have been catalogued in a variety of ways. This exhibit features items of interesting related to travel and tourism found in the collections of the Clark Library and the University of Michigan Library. Travel records can shed light on the motivations and experiences of those who set out from their homes to make journeys all across the globe. Maps, travel narratives, brochures, and guidebooks are useful both to travelers and outside observers wishing to learn about past trips. This exhibition examines various types of travel through objects used to record or advertise tourism, pilgrimages, expeditions, and adventures. This online version of "Travel Through Maps & Narratives: An Exhibition on Travel & Tourism" is the byproduct of a physical exhibit that was featured in the University of Michigan Library Stephen S. Clark Library exhibit space in Fall 2012.
Changes in transportation have a direct effect on travel. Travelers are limited by the methods of transportation available to them,..
The state of Michigan is a prominent travel destination, making tourism an important industry. The proximity of the Great Lakes..
Beginning in the mid 1800’s, the advent of World’s Fairs provided a new reason for travel. These international expositions were..
Personal narratives of women travelers are an important, yet often overlooked, source of information about unique causes of travel and..
Pilgrimage, visiting an area of specific moral, spiritual or religious significance, has been a reason for travel for more than..
Travel for the sake of exploration had significant influence on European states from the 13th to the 17th centuries. Such..
"The purpose of the "Travel Through Maps and Narratives" exhibit is to highlight interesting pieces from both the Stephen S...