About the Exhibit
The seminars will develop a comparative frame of analysis, highlighting various language practices that allow different language groups to assert their cultural identities, while at the same time engaging in community-building efforts to integrate into a multicultural and multilingual American society.
The exhibit was curated by Marlon James Sales (mjsales@umich.edu), Barbara Alvarez (barbalva@umich.edu), Fe Susan Go (fsgo@umich.edu), Charlotte Fater (chagrafa@umich.edu), and Julia Irion Martins (irionm@umich.edu). Translations from Chinese were provided by Colin Garon (cgaron@umich.edu), and exhibition assistance was provided by Caitlin Pollock (pollockc@umich.edu).
Rights Statement
The University of Michigan Library has placed copies of these works online for educational and research purposes. These works may be under copyright. If you decide to use any of these works, you are responsible for making your own legal assessment and securing any necessary permission. If you have questions about this exhibit, please contact the Special Collections Research Center (special.collections@umich.edu). If you have concerns about the inclusion of an item in this exhibit, please contact ask-omeka@umich.edu.
Near-Death and Afterlives