About the Exhibit
The books displayed here are collected by the Special Collections Research Center. For more information about the University of Michigan Library Special Collections Research Center, please see our website.
Rights Statement
The University of Michigan Library has placed copies of these works online for educational and research purposes. These works are believed to be in the public domain in the United States; however, if you decide to use any of these works, you are responsible for making your own legal assessment and securing any necessary permission. If you have questions about this exhibit, please contact the Special Collections Resarch Center (special.collections@umich.edu). If you have concerns about the inclusion of an item in this exhibit, please contact ask-omeka@umich.edu.
The exhibit was curated by the Fall 2018 students of History 260: United States to 1865, taught by Dr. Jason Young, Department of History (youngjr@umich.edu), with exhibition assistance by Kristine Greive, Exhibits Librarian and Curator (kgreive@umich.edu) and Juli McLoone, Curator (jmcloone@umich.edu).
We would like to thank everyone whose expertise and assistance made this exhibit possible. In particular, we wish to recognize Lucy Smith and Jonathan Quint, Graduate Student Instructors for History 260 and the Digital Conversion Unit of the library for making the images used in the exhibit.

Abolition and the Civil War
