8 paintings on artisinal paper, prepared in Ann Arbor.
En la estatura de la luz (At the height of the light)
Adán conversa con Adán mientras sospechosamente un arbol les convida (Adam talks with Adam while suspiciously a tree invites them)
Eva y Adán salieron a buscar el paraiso, y solo lo encontraron adentro de ellos mismos (Eve and Adam went out to find paradise, and only found it within themselves)
Eva enciende su manzana ante el espejo de Eva (Eve lights her apple before the mirror of Eve)
Con esta mano pulsa el arpa de tu alma (With this hand I strum the harp of your soul)
El rostro de la Virgen se ha ido de paseo (The face of the Virgin has gone for a walk)
La lejanía del agua busca su nuevo rostro el pez eterno de la luz (The remoteness of the water seeks its new face in the fish of eternal light)
Con la misma dulzura la vaca da la lágrima y la leche (With the same sweetness the cow gives the tears and the milk)