About This Exhibit
“Maps and Map-making in India” was an exhibit in the Clark Library created in conjunction with the Winter 2014 LSA Theme Semester, “India in the World” and was on display in the library from January 16 - April 22, 2014. The theme semester was coordinated by the Center for South Asian Studies, a faculty/Steering Committee, and a Student Advisory Board. The theme semester worked with various departments across campus to arrange exhibits, performances, films, lectures, discussions, symposia, and conferences across campus. This exhibit at the Clark displayed the Clark and Hatcher Libraries’ extensive collections of materials from and about India.
This online version of “Maps and Map-making in India” is a byproduct of this physical exhibit and was created by Lisa Lorenzo and Corinne Vieracker (Clark Reference Assistants). The physical exhibit was originally curated by Tim Utter (Map Librarian) and Jeff Martin (South Asian Studies Librarian). Clara McClenon (Exhibit Assistant) and Grace Rother (Exhibit Coordinator) designed and put together the exhibit. Karl Longstreth (Map Librarian) acquired some of the maps and was able to provide background information.
We would like to thank Farina Mir, (Associate Professor and Director of the Center for South Asian Studies) who coordinated the LSA theme semester and who spoke at the exhibit opening on January 16th, and Dr. Sumathi Ramaswamy, whose work was used throughout both the physical and online exhibit. Kamala Nautiyal (MLibrary South Asia Cataloger) generously lent the saris used in the physical exhibit. We would also like to thank Dr. Cathleen Baker (Conservation Librarian and Exhibit Conservator and Adjunct Lecturer in Information, School of Information), Aisha Wahab (Conservation Librarian/Paper Conservator), and Brooke Adams (Conservation Intern) who treated several of the maps and prepared them for the exhibit.
Except where otherwise noted, the materials in this exhibit are in the public domain. For more information, see MLibrary's Copyright Statement.
For more information about this exhibit, please contact the Clark Exhibit Team at clarkexhibits@umich.edu. For questions about Omeka or online exhibits, please contact Meghan Musolff at musolffm@umich.edu.
Sumathi Ramaswamy's Research and Mother India