About this Exhibit

The original exhibit was researched and edited by members of the Library MLK Day Committee:  Kati Bauer, Trey Boynton (University Housing), Shevon Desai, Melissa Hepburn, Tom Hubbard, Karen Jania (Bentley Historical Library), Darlene Nichols, Glenda Radine, Charles Ransom, Lorraine Robert (School of Information).  Research assistance provided by Tara Bell, Lisa Hardman, Molly Mahony (Tanner Philosophy Library), Molly Malcolm, Madeleine Sheldon, and Kelsey Valente.

Historical images courtesy Bentley Historical Library.  Photo of Elsie Roxborough courtesy Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library.


The Beginnings
Beck, Jim, U-M Office of the Vice President for Communications.  On the Original Native Land Gift that Made U-M.  Retrieved from http://www.umich.edu/~aium/land.html

Shaw, Wilfred B.  The University of Michigan, an Encyclopedic Survey.  Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1941

Ann Arbor Historical Notes, Population, and Enrollment
Stohr, Greg.  Black Enrollment Falls as Michigan Rejects Affirmative Action.  September 24, 2013.  Retrieved from http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-09-24/black-enrollment-falls-as-michigan-rejects-affirmative-action.html

University of Michigan Minority Enrollment At All-Time High. New Pittsburgh Courier, November 28, 1992

University of Michigan.  Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives.  Michigan Diversity Report.  Retrieved from http://www.oami.umich.edu/images/MSS%20DIVERSITY%20REPORT.pdf

A Puzzling Problem

Ann Arbor District Library. AACHM Oral History: Lydia Belle Morton.  Retrieved from

A Concrete Reason for the Race Prejudice at Ann Arbor. Detroit Free Press, September 17, 1912

Michigan Gets German Professor as Lecturer. The Jewish Criterion.  February 16, 1934

The President's Report to the Board of Regents for the Academic Year. Financial Statement for the Fiscal Year. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1930

Race Co-Eds Oppose Separate Quarters at Michigan Univ.  The Pittsburgh Courier. September 21, 1929

U of M Colored Students’ Benevolent Club. Detroit Free Press, February 3, 1902

University of Michigan. Board of Regents.  Proceedings of the Board of Regents. 1932

University of Michigan Insults Two Races. The Chicago Defender, March 10, 1934

Diversity in Student Life

A.K.A. Chapter Now at University of Michigan. Baltimore Afro-American, June 17, 1933

Alumni Catalogue: Catalogue of Graduates, Non-Graduates, Officers, and Members of the Faculties, 1837-1921. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1923

Bartlett, Nancy R. and Kathleen A. Koehler.   A Book of Days: 150 Years of Student Life at Michigan. Ann Arbor: Alumni Association of the University of Michigan, 1987

Barton, Emily. Birth of the Black Action Movement. The Michigan Daily. December 1, 2006

Behee, John.  Hail to the Victors! Ann Arbor:  Distributed by Ulrich’s Books, 1974

Bentley Historical Library.  The History of Diversity at the University of Michigan.  Retrieved from http://bentley.umich.edu/research/um/diversity.php.

Bentley Historical Library.  The University of Michigan and China: 1845-2006. Retrieved from http://bentley.umich.edu/research/publications/china/main.php

Calkins, Laura. Samuel Codes Watson. Michigan History, January-February, 2002

Cintri, Dylan.  Order and chaos: Exploring the controversy surrounding a not-so-secret society. The Michigan Daily, September 8, 2013.

Duderstadt, James J.  The Michigan Mandate: A Strategic Linking of Academic Excellence and Social Diversity.  Retrieved from http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/handle/2027.42/58612

Felber, Garrett and Austin McCoy.  Viewpoint: Student protests and affirmative action. The Michigan Daily, October 15, 2013

Greene, Deborah. CAAS at 30. Michigan Today, Fall 2000

Students Stage Sit-in at U of M against Racism. Afro-American, March 28, 1987

Tobin, James. When Doors Were Chained on State Street.  LSA Today, February 18, 2013

University of Michigan Bars Basketball Player; Cite Unwritten Color Line. The Chicago Defender, January 13, 1943

University of Michigan. Class Cuts.  The Harvard Crimson, April 11, 1987

University of Michigan Tells Negro Girl She Can’t Reside in Dormitory.  Atlanta Daily World, August 30, 1934

Virtual Racism at the University of Michigan in the Winter of 1987 [February, 2004. Slightly revised November, 2006]. Retrieved from http://m3peeps.org/vr87.htm

Student Background

Bentley Historical Library.  "A Cosmopolitan Tradition": Barbour Scholarships.  Retrieved from http://bentley.umich.edu/exhibits/cosmo/barbour.php

Hauke, Kathleen A.  The Passing of Elsie Roxborough.  Michigan Quarterly Review, Vol. 23, No. 2

Japanese Students at the University of Michigan. Detroit Free Press, September 2, 1900

Marshall is Winner:  Colored Boy Captures Highest Debating Honor. Detroit News, December 11, 1906

Norris, Clarence W.  Up from Poverty. [San Antonio, Texas], 1987

Rufus, W. Carl.  Twenty-Five Years of the Barbour Scholarships, Reprinted from Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review, December 19, 1942

Young Negro Student Wins $300.00 Award:  Takes 1st Prize in National Contest.  Pittsburgh Courier, December 23, 1939.

Student Advocates
Kamins, HeatherGoss to be named athletic Director.  The Michigan Daily, April 16, 2001

Our Stories:  Climbing the Mountain Together
.  Retrieved from http://hr.umich.edu/staffstories/climbing-the-mountain-together/

Diversity in Faculty

Bentley Historical Library.  African Americans in Michigan.  Retrieved from http://bentley.umich.edu/research/guides/african_americans

Meyers Greene, Deborah.  Lester Monts to return to faculty in July 2014.  The University Record, September 30, 2013.  Retrieved from http://ur.umich.edu/1314/Sep30_13/4895-lester-monts-to

Neal Outlines Goals of Interim Presidency.  Michigan Today, Fall 1996.  Retrieved from http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/handle/2027.42/61095

University of Michigan 1817-2017.  Faculty History Project Website.  Retrieved from http://um2017.org/faculty-history/

After U-M

Boyd, Herb.  WTC Engineer Remembers. New York Amsterdam News,  October 11, 2001

Educator Becomes School Board Head.  The Baltimore Afro-American, September 6, 1969

Halpern, Jeanne.  Marise Hadden’s Road to Social Change.  Michigan Alumnus, September 1969.

Michigan’s Champion Orator.  Michigan Today, December 1995.

NCC Prof. Gets Mich. Degree, Sets Precedent.  Tri-State Defender; June 25, 1960

Peace Corps Director is Black Woman Professor.  Oakland Post, October 21, 1971

The University of Michigan Heritage Project.  Dear Aunt Ruth.  Retrieved from http://heritage.umich.edu/story/dear-aunt-ruth

After U-M
