Reading the Text:
Line 32 (Medea 691)

skip to line: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

reference: view the alphabet in a separate window

Notes on line 32:

The first three leters in this line are partially lost to abrasion. However, the reading is reasonably certain. If so, this line shows a common mistake made by this scribe: the confusion of the letters t and d (the scribe has written quot for quod). Elsewhere in this manuscript, such errors are corrected by the later editor, but this one slipped by uncorrected.

Medea verse 691:

The manuscript reads:

et vile telum est, ima quot tellus creat;

The standard modern text reads:

et vile telum est, ima quod tellus creat;

Next: Line 33

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Reading the Papyri is produced by the University of Michigan Papyrus Collection
These pages designed and written by Terrence Szymanski. email: