Thank you for support from:
Elise Meyer, Anna's great-niece
Susan Garrett, Image Collections Specialist
Rebecca Price, Architecture, Urban Planning, and Visual Resources Librarian
Melissa Gomis, Instructional Technology Librarian
(1897, August 22). The Madonna in Art: Beautiful Lecture at the Summer School by Miss Caulfield. The Catholic Sunday Union.
(1898, January 30). Michigan Girl as Lecturer. The Kansas City Journal. p. 14
(1903, April 18). Society. The Saturday Evening Herald. p. 9
(1903, June 7). Gives Interesting Talks on Art Abroad. The Saint Paul Globe. p. 21
(1905, March 9). Evening of American Art. The New York Times. p. 7
(1921). Lantern slides: how to make and color them. 6th ed. Rochester, N.Y.: Eastman Kodak Company.
(1928, November 30). 'Mother India' Vision Was Limited Says Mrs. McKnight, U.S. Lecturer. The Chicago Tribune, Paris Edition.
(1929, October 30). Lecture on India Is Heard By Many At Women's Club. The Chicago Tribune, Paris Edition.
(1947, June 19). The Grand Rapids Herald.
Baxter, A. (1891). History of the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan...:(With an Appendix--History of Lowell, Michigan). New York: Munsell & company.
Caulfield, Anna. Unpublished letter.
Caulfield, Anna. (1906, April 8). American Art Should Be Studied From the Standpoint of an American. p. E3
Caulfield McKnight, Anna. (1930). Unpublished letter.
Dresser, A.R. (1892). Lantern slides and how to make them. 2nd ed., rev. New York: Scovill & Adams.
Marcy, L. J. (1874). The Sciopticon manual: Explaining Marcy's new magic lantern, and light, including magic lantern optics, experiments, photographing and coloring slides, etc. 5th ed. [Philadelohia]: Sherman.
Miss Anna Caulfield: Illustrated Lectures on Art and Travel. Chicago: Hollister Brothers Engravers & Printers.
Salmon, P. R. (1911) How to colour photographs and lantern slides by aniline dyes, water and oil colours, crystoleum, and other processes. New York: E.P. Dutton.
Shepard, E. (1987). The magic lantern slide in entertainment and education 1860-1920. History of Photography, 11 (2), 91-108.
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The University if Michigan Library has placed copies of these works online for educational and research purposes. These works are believed to be in the public domain in the United States; however, if you decide to use any of these works, you are responsible for making your own legal assessment and securing any necessary permission. If you have questions about this exhibit please contact If you have concerns about the inclusion of an item in this exhibit, please contat
Anna's Illustrated Lectures