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Bates, Daisy. The long shadow of Little Rock, a memoir.
New York, David McKay Co. [1962]
Beals, Melba Pattillo. Warriors don't cry: a searing memoir of
the battle to integrate Little Rock's Central High. New
York: Pocket Books, 1994.
Borgsdorf, Linda Ann Ruester. Ann Arbor, Michigan: An Historical
Analysis of Board of Education Decisions on School Desegregation Issues.
1980. Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Michigan
Brown, Robert R. (Robert Raymond). Bigger than Little Rock.
Greenwich, Conn., Seabury Press, 1958.
Coles, Robert. Children of Crisis. New York: A Delta Book, 1967. A psychiatrist's
personal account of the effects of the desegregation struggle on both
Black and White children. A warm, humane discussion.
---. Farewell to the South. Boston: Little Brown and
Co., 1972. A further discussion on the effects of desegregation on the
people of the South.
Friedman, Leon, ed. Argument: The Complete Oral Argument before
the Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 1952-1955.
New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1969.
Egerton, John. Black public colleges: integration and disintegration.
Nashville, Race Relations Information Center, 1971.
Greenberg, Jack. Crusaders in the courts: how a dedicated band
of lawyers fought for the civil rights revolution. Basic
Books, c1994.
Hornsby, Benjamin F. Jr. Stepping stone to the Supreme Court:
Clarendon County Columbia, S.C.: South Carolina Dept. of Archives &
History, c1992.
Kluger, Richard. Simple justice: the history of Brown v. Board
of Education and Black America's struggle for equality. New
York: Knopf, 1976, c1975.
Martin, Waldo E., Jr. Brown v. Board of Education: A Brief History
with Documents. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 1998.
Michael, W. E. 1904-The age of error. New York, Vantage
Press [1957]
Orfield, Gary Susan E. Eaton, and the Harvard Project on School Desegregation.
Dismantling desegregation: the quiet reversal of Brown v. Board
of Education. New York: New Press, c1996.
Patterson, James T. Brown v. Board of Education: a civil rights
milestone and its troubled legacy. Oxford; New York: Oxford
University Press, 2001.
Miller, Lorin. The petitioners: the story of the Supreme Court
of the United States and the Negro. New York: Pantheon Books,1966
Smith, Bob. They closed their schools: Prince Edward County,
Virginia, 1951-1964. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, 1965
Tushnet, Mark V. The NAACP Legal Strategy against Segregated
Education, 1925-1950. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina
Press, 1987.
United States Commission on Civil Rights. Fulfilling the letter
and spirit of the law : desegregation of the nation's public schools
/ a report of the United States Commission on Civil Rights, August 1976.
Washington : U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1976.
Vandever, Elizabeth J. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka:
anatomy of a decision. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Kansas,
Wolters, Raymond. The burden of Brown: thirty years of school
desegregation. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press,
Films and Videos in the University of Michigan Library
After ten years the court and the schools /
CBS News; producers, Philip Scheffler, William Peters; directed by Norman
Gorin. Princeton, NJ : Films for the Humanities & Sciences,
Summary: The 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka ruling made
it clear that segregation would not be tolerated and that states must
comply with federal law. In this program, filmed ten years after Brown,
news correspondents report on the mixed progress made toward integrating
public schools in Nashville, New Rochelle, New Orleans and Prince Edward
County, Virginia. Stumbling blocks such as faculty segregation, busing
and segregation zoning are examined. A discussion featuring Attorney
General Robert Kennedy, Georgia Governor Carl Sanders and Ex-Secretary
of the NAACP, Roy Wilkins concludes the program.
Performers/Participants: Reporters: Dan Rather, Mike Wallace, Martin
Agronsky, Charles Kuralt, Harry Reasoner.
Location: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL) (Restricted Access)
Shelved in: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL)
Blacks in America life in the North
Princeton, NJ : Films for the Humanities & Sciences, Films for the
Humanities and Sciences Series: With all deliberate speed? : a retrospective
on racial integration, 1979
Summary: Filmed in 1979, correspondent Ed Bradley travels to his hometown
of Philadelphia, to assess how African-Americans have been faring 25
years after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to outlaw public school
segregation. Quality education, employment opportunities, fair and adequate
housing and political representation are addressed, as are issues of
illiteracy, de facto segregation and racial violence.
Performers/Participants: Correspondent, Ed Bradley.
Credits: Exec. producer, Howard Stringer; producer/director, Philip
Burton, Jr.
Notes: Originally aired on the CBS program, CBS Reports on July 25,
Location: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL) (Restricted Access)
Shelved in: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL)
School, the story of American public education: A struggle for educational
equality, 1950-1980
Produced by Sara Patton and Sarah Mondale:Princeton, N.J. : Films for
the Humanities and Sciences, c2001.
Summary: A four part documentary on the history of public education
in the
United States. Part 3: This program shows how impressive gains in education
masked profound inequalities: seventeen states had segregated schools.
Beginning with the 1950s, this program examines the issues that prompted
milestones as Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), the Elementary
Secondary Education Act, Title IV, and the Americans with Disabilities
Location: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL) (Restricted Access)
Blue eyed
Produced by Claus Strigel and Bertram Verhaag ; written and directed
by Bertram Verhaag in cooperation with Jane Elliott. Published: San
Francisco, CA : California Newsreel, c1996.
Summary: Jane Elliott conducts a workshop where an arbitrarily selected
group of
individuals is targeted to experience prejudice and bigotry. Based on
blue eyed-brown eyed exercise.
Location: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL) (Restricted Access)
Call No: VIDEO 26866-H
The Essential blue eyed 50 minute trainer's edition and 36 minute
Produced by Claus Strigel and Bertram Verhaag ; written and directed
by Bertram Verhaag. Published: San Francisco, CA : California Newsreel,
1999, c1996.
Summary: Jane Elliott conducts a diversity training workshop where an
arbitrarily selected group of individuals is targeted to experience
prejudice and bigotry. The workshop is based on the blue-eyed/brown-eyed
Location: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL) (Restricted Access)
Call No: VIDEO 29449-H
School colors
Producers, Scott Andrews, Stephen Olsson, Inez M. Robinson-Odom ; director,
Scott Andrews. Published: [S.l.] : Documentary Consortium of Public
Television Stations ;
[Alexandria, VA] PBS Video, c1992.
Summary: This in-depth documentary looks at a turbulent year at Berkeley
High School in California, focusing on teachers, students, and parents
struggling with the question of whether diversity will enrich American
society or tear it apart.
Notes: Closed captioned for the hearing impaired. Originally broadcast
on Frontline television program on PBS stations.
Location: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL) (Restricted Access)
Call No: VIDEO 25208-H
Simple justice
Executive producer, Avon Kirkland ; co-producers, Yanna Kroyt Brandt,
Preston Holmes ; director, Helaine Head ; story by John McGeevey, Avon
Kirkland, Peter Cook.
Published: Alexandria, VA : PBS Video, 1993.
Summary: Recounts the legal strategy and social struggle that resulted
in the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark ruling in Brown v. Board of Education
of Topeka.
Notes: Based on: Simple justice / by Richard Kluger (New York : Knopf,
1975) .
Location: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL) (Restricted Access)
Call No: VIDEO 23806-H -23808-H
Separate but equal
Producer, George Stevens, Jr. ; executive producers, George Stevens,
Jr., Stan Margulies ; writer and director, George Stevens, Jr. Published:
Los Angeles : Republic Pictures Home Video [distributor], 1991.
Summary: The year is 1950 ... and America is divided between black and
white. Schools, restaurants, trains and buses ... even drinking fountains
cannot be shared by both races. Although slavery has been outlawed for
nearly a century, segregation is legal. But white and Negro facilities
are separate and unequal
and the tension has reached a breaking
point for the blacks of Clarendon County, South Carolina. When their
request for a single school bus is denied by white school officials,
a bitter, violent and courageous battle for justice and equality begins
... putting black against white and friend against neighbor all across
the country.
Performers/Participants: Sidney Poitier, Burt Lancaster, Richard Kiley.
Location: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL) (Restricted Access)
Call No: VIDEO 23004-H
The Road to Brown the untold story of "the man who killed Jim
University of Virginia. Published: San Francisco, Calif. : California
Newsreel [distributor], c1990.
Summary: Documentary on segregation in the South and the legal campaign
against it. Profiles black lawyer Charles Houston, whose work in attacking
the segregation laws ("Jim Crow") ultimately led to the landmark
Brown vs. Board of Education case.
Performers/Participants: Steven Anthony Jones.
Location: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL) (Restricted Access)
Call No: VIDEO 11270-H
Awakenings 1954-1956
Blackside, Inc.Published: Alexandria, Va. : PBS Video, 1987.
Series: Eyes on the prize : America's civil rights years ; 1
Summary: This first episode of six discusses the history of segregation
in the U.S., focusing on the south, and the impact of the 1954 Supreme
Court decision against segregation in Brown vs. Board of Education.
Highlighted is the Emmett Till murder case and Rosa Parks and the Montgomery,
Alabama bus boycott.
Performers/Participants: Julian Bond.
Fighting back 1957-1962
Blackside, Inc. Published: Alexandria, Va. : PBS Video, 1987.
Series: Eyes on the Prize : America's civil rights years ; 2
Summary: Focuses on segregation in education in the southern United
States. It highlights two specific tests of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling
in 1954 against segregation - the case of the Little Rock Nine in 1957
(the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas), and
James Meredith's enrollment as the first black at the University of
Mississippi in 1962.
Performers/Participants: Julian Bond.
Location: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL) (Restricted Access)
Call No: VIDEO 15000-H
The Lemon Grove incident
Producer, writer, Paul Espinosa ; director, Frank Christopher. Published:
New York, N.Y. : Cinema Guild [distributor], 1985.
Summary: Focusing on one of the earliest school desegregation cases,
uses dramatizations, archival footage, and recollections of witnesses
to examine the response of the Mexican-American community in Lemon Grove,
Calif., to a 1930 school board attempt to create a segregated Mexican
school in the district.
Performers/Participants: Bill Brinsfield, Navarre Perry, Ann Richardson,
Gail West, Guillermo Gomez-Pena, Leon Singer, Luisa Vargas, Doug Jacobs.
Notes: In English and Spanish with English subtitles.
Location: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL) (Restricted Access)
Call No: VIDEO 10589-H
220 blues
Published: King Screen Productions, 1970.
Summary: Dramatizes a situation in which a young black student is living
successfully in an integrated system, until he meets a black militant
student who causes him to question his identity.
Location: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL) (Restricted Access)
Call No: MOVIE 5206-F
Who speaks for the South?
Published: [New York] : Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 2002.
Series: Integration in the South's public schools
Summary: The court order integrating Georgia public schools conflicted
with the state constitution, prompting much debate regarding state's
rights. In this 1960 news special Edward R. Murrow reports on the issue
of racial segregation in the state's schools, focusing on the proceedings
of the School Study Committee, a public forum in which residents of
Georgia's ten Congressional districts voiced their opinions presenting
a wide and sometimes ominous range of views. Murrow also interviews
the Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Ralph McGill, Atlanta's mayor
William Hartsfield and Georgia Governor S. Ernest Vandiver.
Notes: "...Originally aired on the CBS Television Network on May
27, 1960."
Location: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL) (Restricted Access)
Call No: VIDEO 34339-H
Integration complying with Brown in 1957: a production of CBS
Published: [New York] : Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 2002.
Series: Integration and busing : the early years
Summary: In 1957, the eyes of America were on Little Rock, where the
compulsory desegregation of Central High School was front-page news.
But what about the broader picture? How successful had integration efforts
in the South been in the three years following the Brown decision? This
program, filmed in that year, brings together a panel of newsmen from
the Southern Education Reporting Service to assess -- against the backdrop
of anti-integration violence -- the overall progress being made in complying
with the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling.
Notes: Duration given on container: 53 min. "...Originally aired
on the CBS Television Network on September 29, 1957."
Location: FILM & VIDEO LIB (Room 2178, UGL) (Restricted Access)
Call No: VIDEO 34338-H
Journal and Newspaper
The Journal of Negro Education devoted the Summer, 1954
issues to Desegregation. The issue No. 3 is titled , Next Steps in Racial
Desegregation in Education, Summer, 1954, pp. 201-399.
This issue is available on the electronic database JSTOR.
In addition,
The Journal of Negro Education devoted other issues to
the subject of school desegregation.
No. 3, The Courts and Racial Integration in Education, Summer, 1952,
pp. 229-444
No. 3, The Desegregation Decision--One Year Afterward, Summer, 1955,
pp. 161-404
No. 3, "Educational Desegregation", 1956, Summer, 1956, pp.
No. 3," Desegregation and the Negro College", Summer, 1958,
pp. 209-435
No. 3, "Education and Civil Rights in 1965", Summer, 1965,
pp. 197-379
No. 1, "Desegregation in the 1970's: A Candid Discussion",
Winter, 1978, pp. 1- 112
No. 3, "Persistent and Emergent Legal Issues in Education: 1983
Yearbook", Summer, 1983, pp. 187-374
No. 3, "Brown v. Board of Education at 40: A Commemorative Issue
Dedicated to the Late Thurgood Marshall", Summer, 1994, pp. 271-503
No. 3, "The Role of Social Science in School Desegregation Efforts:
The St. Louis Example", Summer, 1997, pp. 195-349
Popham, John N. "Segregation: South Looks Ahead: States Plan to
Move Slowly in Changing School Set-Up." Special to The New York
Times, New York Times; May 23, 1954. E5.
Bracker, Milton. "School Desegregation: A City's Case History:
Baltimore Incidents are traced to ignorance of part of parents,"
Special to The New York Times. New York Times; October
10, 1954 E4
Samuels, Gertrude. "School Desegregation: A Case History,"
New York Times Sunday Magazine; May 8, 1955 page 9.
Web Sites
Michigan.gov: The Official State of Michigan Web Site
Fannie Richards and the Integration of the Detroit Public Schools
Brown Foundation For Educational Equity, Excellence and Research
This site is a resource for information and source material about Brown
v. Board of Education and related topics.
The Robert Russa Moton Museum
The Robert Russa Moton Museum is committed to the preservation and positive
interpretation of the history of civil rights in education, specifically
as it relates to Prince Edward County and the role its citizens played
in America's struggle to move from a segregated to an integrated society.
The Museum will be operated to promote positive discussion of integration
and to advance the positions that ensure racial harmony
The 1951 student strike at Moton High School "set in motion events
that forever changed the landscape of American education, and arguably
marked the start of the modern civil rights movement."--Don Baker,
*The Washington Post Magazine*, Mar. 4, 2001, p. 10.
Sweatt v Painter Archive
This archive contains historical records linked to the Sweatt v. Painter
litigation. These materials include university records, litigation materials,
newspapers, and oral histories. For display, most of these records are
text files, although some manuscripts are graphics files.
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
This site contains the actual Supreme Court decision in PDF form