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Colleges and Universities
Two female students caused a scandal at the University of Michigan in 1953 with their defiant expressions of same-sex desire and were forced to leave…
Collective members once hand delivered one issue of the Leaping Lesbian to in-town subscribers when postal rates were unexpectedly raised.
For three years, beginning in 1977, the Leaping Lesbian provided news and support for Ann Arbor's lesbian community. The item shown here is the…
Janet Rauch and Deborah McCormick were founding mothers of the weekly women's music program "Face the Music" on public station WFBE-FM in Flint.…
Bars and Nightclubs
Lesbian Melva Earhart purchased the State Bar in Flint in 1950 and it soon became a safe hang-out for a homosexual clientele. Its original location on…
African Americans
In 1961 Melva Earhart re-opened the State Bar on W. Kearsley Street in Flint. By the late 1960s it had become almost exclusively gay, and hosted…
Women's softball has long provided a friendly place for many lesbians to meet and socialize. Metro Gay News reported the opening of Softball City in…
Colleges and Universities
Deborah Bacon served as Dean of Women at The University of Michigan during the 1950s and 1960s. Her policing of homosexual affection was in accordance…
Created by graphic artist Sean Bieri, this mini comic with a keen attitude received positive response from queer and straight readers alike. Bieri was…
Sandra S. Cole, former director of the University of Michigan's Comprehensive Gender Services Program and retired professor of the universities school…