About the Exhibit
Stories of the University Library: A Bicentennial Exhibit was created to share the lesser-known stories from the University of Michigan Library's history.
I would like to thank the Bentley Historical Library staff for their help with finding these images and stories, and for allowing them to be presented here.
I would also like to thank Karen Downing, Charles Watkinson, the University Library Bicentennial Committee and the ScholarSpace staff for their support.
The information for the text has come from the following publications:
Bentley Historical Library Finding Aids. Library (University of Michigan) records: 1837-2013. Ann Arbor, MI.
Bishop, William W. The Library Building: With the Addresses At the Dedication, January Seventh, 1920. Ann Arbor, 1920.
Frieze, Henry S., et al. Memorial of the Library Committee to the Board of Regents. Ann Arbor, 1881.
“How big is the University Library?” Michigan Alumnus, 12 Jan. 1922.
Pamphlet. General Library, University of Michigan, Information for Readers. Ann Arbor, 1922.
Pamphlet. The Shapiro Library Dedication, May 19, 1995, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ann Arbor, 1995.
Rights and Permissions Statement
The University of Michigan Library has placed copies of these works online for educational and research purposes. These works may be under copyright. If you decide to use any of these works, you are responsible for making your own legal assessment and securing any necessary permission. If you have questions about this exhibit, please contact ask-omeka@umich.edu.
Student Life