Event Timeline: 1960s
1960: Detroit Mattachine disbands. |
1960: James Wiles, arrested in crackdown at the University of Michigan, commits suicide a week before sentencing. |
1961: Letter to Mattachine Review notes "desperate need" for homosexual organization in Detroit. |
1961: While serving as Episcopal chaplain at Wayne State University, Malcolm Boyd is punched unconscious by a man he picked up at a Detroit bar. |
1962: Michigan State University remodels Union restroom to deter homosexuals. |
1964: Police raid Studio D, Bill Dakota's gay after hours club on S. Saginaw Street in Flint. |
1965: Escape Lounge, later BackStreet, opens on Joy Road in Detroit. |
1965: ONE in Detroit is formed by Grosse Pointe travel agent Chuck Thompson. |
1965: Russ Trainer publishes His Brother Love (Detroit: Foremost Publishing, 1965). |
1967: Officials are charged with concealing movie cameras to view homosexual activity in Wayne State University rest rooms. |
1967: Wayne State University administration agrees to destroy files on suspected homosexuals. |
1968: Detroit News publishes profile of ONE in Detroit. |
1968: Highland Park police seize the film "Of the Same Gender" from Hiland Art Theatre as obscene. |
1968: Michigan repeals criminal sexual psychopath law. |
1969: Flyer for Gay Day at Cedar Point. |
1969: Isabel Miller publishes A Place for Us (New York: Bleecker Street Press, 1969). |
1969: Metropolitan Detroit Council of Churches and ONE in Detroit co-sponsor forum on homosexuality. |
1969: The Interchange, later the Detroit Eagle, opens on Holden in Detroit. |

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