About the Exhibit
This online exhibit accompanies the exhibit of the same title in the Audubon Room of Hatcher Graduate Library 8 May - 30 August 2017. The materials in the exhibit come from the Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library; Music Library; Special Collections Research Center; and Steven S. Clark Library.
For more information about the University of Michigan Special Collections Research Center, please see our website.
In the same way that many hands over many years have contributed to the building of the Library’s collections, this exhibit is a group accomplishment.
For their expertise and insight regarding the identification of items to include in the exhibit, we are grateful to Pablo Alvarez, Kristen Castellana, Kathleen Dow, Philip Hallman, Brendan Haug, Julie Herrada, Evyn Kropf, Karl Longstreth, Juli McLoone, Bryan Skib, and Jamie Vander Broek. For their work readying collection material for display, creating digital images, and preparing publicity for the exhibit, we appreciate the invaluable assistance of our colleagues in the departments of Preservation & Conservation, Digital Content & Collections, and Communications & Marketing. And for all the help she generously and very capably provided throughout, we are grateful to Anne Elias.
Rights Statement
The University of Michigan Library has placed copies of these works online for educational and research purposes. These works may be under copyright. If you decide to use any of these works, you are responsible for making your own legal assessment and securing any necessary permission. If you have questions about this exhibit, please contact Kristine Greive, kgreive@umich.edu. If you have concerns about the inclusion of an item in this exhibit, please contact ask-omeka@umich.edu.
Transportation History