About This Exhibit
This online exhibition is one of multiple exhibitions that pull from the collections of Artists' Books at the Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library Special Collections.
This exhibit was made as a part of the Michigan Library Scholars Program an internship that encourages scholarship with an international focus. Interns are assigned to mentors in the library to create projects. The mentor of this program is Jamie Vander Broek. Staff members Meghan Musolff, Breanna Hamm, Susan Garrett, Rebecca Price, Eleanor Schmitt, and Ana Enriquez, also provided guidance on this project.
Accessing Artists' Books
You are welcome to browse artists' books in the Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library Special Collections online database. This database includes images of and information about the more than 400 unique artists' books the AAEL Special Collections holds.
The Artists' Books are a non-circulating collection. Researchers and University of Michigan community members are invited to view the collection by making an appointment with Jamie Vander Broek, Librarian for Art & Design.
Rights and Permissions Statement
Unless indicated, the book artist holds the copyright for these objects. The University of Michigan Library provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes. If you decide to use any of these materials, you are responsible for making your own legal assessment and securing any necessary permission or licenses for uses that exceed this license, unless fair use or other exceptions apply to your intended use. Questions or concerns should be directed to Jamie Vander Broek, Art & Design Librarian.
Artists’ Books Resources
Arnar, Anna Sigrídur. 2011. The Book as Instrument: Stéphane Mallarmé, the Artist's Book, and the Transformation of Print Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/010540589
Bruce Peel Special Collections Library. and University of Alberta. 2004; c2004]. Marginal Notes: An Exhibition of Bookworks Concerning Social Issues. Marginal Notes Concerning Social Issues. [Edmonton, Alta.]: Bruce Peel Special Collections Library [University of Alberta] http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/005106219
Bury, Stephen. 1995. Artists' Books: The Book as a Work of Art, 1963-1995. Book as a Work of Art, 1963-1995. Brookfield, Vt.: Scolar Press. http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/003012036
Castleman, Riva and Museum of Modern Art (New York,N.Y.). 1994. A Century of Artists Books. New York: Museum of Modern Art : distributed by Harry N. Abrams. http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/002938669
Drucker, Johanna. 1995. The Century of Artists' Books. New York: Granary Books. http://www.granarybooks.com/books/drucker2/drucker2.4.html
Klima, Stefan. 1998. Artists Books: A Critical Survey of the Literature. Critical Survey of the Literature. New York: Granary Books. http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/003520999
Lyons, Joan. 1985. Artists' Books: A Critical Anthology and Sourcebook. Layton, Utah :Rochester, N.Y.: G.M. Smith in association with Peregrine Smith Books ;The Visual Studies Workshop Press. http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/000661356
National Gallery of Art (U.S.), Patricia G. England, Ruth Fine, and Lamia Doumato. 2000. The Patricia G. England Collection of Fine Press and Artists' Books. Washington [D.C.]: National Gallery of Art. http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/004211843
Japanese Bookbinding and History Resources
British Museum., Jack Ronald Hillier, and Lawrence Smith. 1980. Japanese Prints: 300 Years of Albums and Books. London: Published for the Trustees of the British Museum by British Museum Publications Ltd. http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/000715505
Chibbett, David G. 1977. The History of Japanese Printing and Book Illustration. Tokyo ;New York: Kodansha International ;distributed by Harper & Row. http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/000747685
Chow, Kai-wing. 1996. "Writing for Success: Printing, Examinations, and Intellectual Change in Late Ming China." Late Imperial China 17 (1): 120. http://muse.jhu.edu/article/19491
Hioki, Kazuko, 2009. Japanese Printed Books of the Edo Period (1603-1867): History and Characteristics of Block-Printed Books. Vol. 32. http://search.proquest.com/docview/195361820?accountid=14667
Ishiguro, Kichijirō, 石黒吉次郎, Kunihiro Shimura, 志村有弘, and Chester Beatty Library. 2006. Chesutā Bītī Raiburarī Shozō, Ōeyama Emaki = the Chester Beatty Library Ōeyama Picture Scrolls. 03Ōeyama Emaki; 03大江山絵卷; Chester Beatty Library Ōeyama Picture Scrolls; Ōeyama Picture Scrolls. Tōkyō; 東京: Bensei Shuppan; 勉誠出版. http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/005416443
Jessica Rawson, et al. 2016. "China." Grove Art Online: June 13th 2016. http://www.oxfordartonline.com.proxy.lib.umich.edu/subscriber/article_citations/grove/art/T016513pg35?q=concertina+&search=quick&pos=5&_start=1;
Kimura, Chizuko, 木村千鶴子., Ichio Yagi, 八木意知男, Japan) Eishōji (Kamakura-shi, and Japan) 英勝寺 (Kamakura-shi. 2006. Kamakura Eishōji Shozō, Daikokumai Emaki = Eishoji Temple Collection, Daikokumai Picture Scrolls. 02Daikokumai Emaki; 02大黒舞絵卷; Eishoji Temple Collection, Daikokumai Picture Scrolls; Daikokumai Picture Scrolls. Tōkyō; 東京: Bensei Shuppan; 勉誠出版. http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/005416441
Lahore Arts Foundation Trust. 2007. "2006 Contemporary Prints Japan and East Asia."Organized by Lahore Arts Foundation Trust, http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/005672208
Japanese Binding in Boards. Video. Directed by Sage Reynolds. Youtube, 2011. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apuTGGWO3ms;
Richard Louis Edmonds, et al. 2016. "Japan." Grove Art Online: June 13th, 2016. http://www.oxfordartonline.com.proxy.lib.umich.edu/subscriber/article/grove/art/T043440pg15?q=japan+prints&search=quick&pos=1&_start=1#firsthit;
Robert D. McChesney, et al. 2016. "Central Asia." Grove Art Online: June 13th, 2016. http://www.oxfordartonline.com.proxy.lib.umich.edu/subscriber/article_citations/grove/art/T015217pg13?q=concertina+&search=quick&pos=10&_start=1;
Binding a Japanese Stab Bound Book. video. Directed by Crystal Shaulis. Youtube, 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9P07WAbYHs;
Song, Minah. 2009. The History and Characteristics of Traditional Korean Books and Bookbinding. Vol. 32. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19455220802630743
Tsuji, Eiko and 辻英子. 2011. Zaigai Nihon Jūyō Emaki Shūsei. Tōkyō; 東京: Kasama Shoin; 笠間書院. http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/009750360
General Bookmaking Resources
Crupi, Gianfranco. 2016. ""Mirabili Visioni": From Movable Books to Movable Text." JLIS.it 7 (1): 25-87.
Notes on Accordion Binding. video. Reynolds, Sage Youtube: 2010.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EDsR_Qgm0M
Sarlatto, Mara. 2016. "Paper Engineers and Mechanical Devices of Movable Books of the 19th and 20th Centuries." JLIS.it 7 (1): 89-112.
Shure, Brian. 2000. Chine Collé: A Printer's Handbook. Printer's Handbook. San Francisco: Crown Point Press. http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/004302898
Woodcut Printmaking Basics: 4 - Multi Block/color Printing. Directed by Graham Stephens. Youtube, 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwX-ft4KbGs;
Kyoko Matsunaga Resources
Matsunaga Kyoko. "About.", accessed June 13th, 2016, http://kyokomatsunaga.com/en/about.htm.
Matsunaga, Kyoko. "The Intersection by Kyoko Matsunaga." 23 Sandy Gallery, last modified 2016, accessed June 13th, 2016, http://23sandy.com/works/products-page/uncategorized/the-intersection.
———. "KAMO by Kyoko Matsunaga." 23 Sandy Gallery, accessed June 13th, 2016, http://23sandy.com/works/products-page/past-exhibitions/hellohedi/kamo.
———. "Moonset Cordiero by Kyoko Matsunaga." 23 Sandy Gallery, last modified 2016, accessed June 13th, 2016, http://23sandy.com/works/products-page/uncategorized/moonset-cordiero.
Videos of Books Used