On Nov. 12, 2020, 31-year-old artist and teacher Raman Bandarenka was beaten and arrested in the courtyard of his home. He appeared in a hospital emergency room later that night, where he died the following day. According to official reports, Bandarenka got into a drunken brawl and was rescued by the police, who called for an ambulance. Bandarenka's emergency room doctor rejected this claim in an interview, stating his blood alcohol level was 0.0 percent. As the police arrived to arrest the doctor for divulging medical information and journalist Katsiaryba Barysevich for publishing the interview, his co-workers protested by holding up signs that read "Zero percent," which became another symbol of dissent. Artist Anna Bundeleva, wearing three medical masks, removes two of them, displaying three different ways to say “zero percent”: Zero percent, Zero %, and 0%.