(Inner text) In the third year of the reign of Ptolemy son of Ptolemy and Arsinoe, Brother gods, Archelaos son of Damas being priest of Alexander and of the Brother gods and Arsinoe daughter of Polemokrates being basket-bearer of Arsinoe Philadelphos, in the month of Xandikos, in Philadelphia of the Arsinoite nome. Demetrios son of Apollonios, Aspendian, of the Epigone, acknowledges to Zenon son of Agreophon, Kaunian, foreign resident, that he owes 'with respect to the rent' a hundred and fifty-three kids [[which he owed]] from the 'goats which' he hired [[from Iason]], 'together with Limnaios son of [Apollonios], Aspendian, from Iason' the agent of Zenon, to the number of a hundred and forty-four '. . .' from Pauni of the thirty-ninth year to Pachons in the third [year], and he does not contest the said number. Witnesses: Agroitas, Kaunian, of the troop of Thyion, in the seventy-drachmai grade, cleruch; Timokles son of Ariston, Argead; Pythokles son of Iason, Arsinoeus, and Polykleites son of Iason, Arsinoeus, both of the troop of Menelaos, holders of a hundred arourai; [[Iason son of Kerkion, Kalyndeus, foreign resident;]] Antipatros son of Aristogeiton, Athenian, [of the Epigone]; Heliodoros [son of . . .], of those not yet inscribed in the deme(?) [. . .], Alexandrian, of the Epigone. (Outer text) I have the valid copy. In the third year [of the reign] of Ptolemy son of Ptolemy and [Arsinoe, Brother] gods, Archelaos son of Damas being priest of Alexander and of the Brother gods and Arsinoe daughter of Polemokrates being basket-bearer of Arsinoe Philadelphos, in the month of Xandikos, or Pachons of the Egyptians, in Philadelphia of the Arsinoite nome. Demetrios son of Apollonios, Aspendian, of the Epigone, acknowledges to Zenon son of Agreophon, Kaunian, foreign resident, that he owes with respect to the rent a hundred and fifty-three 'kids' [from the goats which] he hired, together with [Limnaios] son of Apollonios, Aspendian, from Iason the agent of Zenon, to the number of a hundred and forty-four from Pauni of the thirty-ninth year to [Pachons] in the third year, and he does not contest the said number. Witnesses: Agroitas, Kaunian, of the troop of Thyion, in the seventy-drachmai grade, cleruch; Timokles son of Ariston, Argead; Pythokles and Polykleites both sons of Iason, [Arsinoeis, of the troop of] Menelaos, holders of a hundred arourai; Antipatros [- - -]. (Verso) (Seal) of Zenon (Seal) of Demetrios (Seal) of Agroitas (Seal) of Timokles (Seal) of [Pythokles] (Seal) of Polykleitos (Seal) of Antipatros (Seal) of Heliodoros