Sosos to Zenon greeting. I received your letter in which you asked me to put aside 100 artabs of the wheat which we have on board and to sell the rest at the highest price we can get. Now as for reserving the corn, know that it is no longer possible. For not being aware that you would be wanting it, we sold the whole cargo of wheat in the harbor over against Aphroditopolis, through Ptolemaios the epistates serving under Archibiades, a total of 241 artabs at 7 artabs for each gold stater; and we gave the purchasers 3 artabs extra on every hundred to balance the incidental expenses. Charmos has brought me a message to give Pyrrhichos money for the purchase of hides at Herakleopolis. Know then that we have not so much money that we can give Pyrrhichos enough for that purpose. For out of the price of the corn Ptolemaios is still owing us 288 drachmai, about which I am bringing you a letter of guarantee to the effect that we are to receive them on the 10th of Mecheir, and I have 400 drachmai in hand. Be kind enough then to write and tell me where I am to obtain the money to give him and whether we are to send Styrax with him in order that we may keep an eye on the prices; for we know him to be reliable in such affairs. We have brought down also the lots of wine that were at Ptolemais. Send me word where I am to obtain corn for Ammonios the miller and how much I am to give him for the preparation of flour. We have also given Pyrrhichos 10 drachmai for travelling expenses. Farewell. Year 29, Mecheir 5.
Verso: To Zenon. 2nd hand: Peritios embolimos 6. From Sosos, asking whether he is to send Styrax with Pyrrhichos.