Inventory of Nahman Lot: September 1921


See scan of original document





To Kelsey:

Copies sent to:

President Burton
H. A. Sanders
A. E. R. Boak
Campbell Bonner

This collection was damped out and made ready for use by Mr. C. T. Lamacraft, of the British Museum.

The inventory is made up from Notes by Mr. H. I. Bell, of the British Museum, who gave as much time to work on the papyri as he could in the brief period while they were at the Museum after they were unrolled. It is therefore only provisional, and a more deliberate study of the documents will probably increase the number of definite dates.

With the exception of Nos. 1 and 2, the entire collection seems to fall within the reigns of Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius. It was probably found on the floor in the ruins of a Record Office on or near the site of Tebtunis.

Note: Handwritten text on the acquisition report appears here as italics. This acquisition comprises pieces 622-760 in the University of Michigan collection.

Click here for the catalog entries concerning these papyri.

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Last modified: 03/21/2014