Map annexed to the memorial presented to the States General of the United Provinces, on the 18th of August 1616 by Gerrit Jacobsx Witsen, cum sociis, directors of New Netherland / copied in fac-simile from the original in the national archives at the Hague by permission of Dr. R.C. Bakhuixen van den Brink, archivist of the Kingdom of the Netherlands ; cromolith of E. Spanier, lith of H.M. the King at the Hague.
The Figurative map of Adriaen Block is a multi-colored print of the eastern North America continent roughly between Delaware Bay and Cape Cod. A large toponym that reads “Niew Vnederlandt” is emblazoned on the map. The landmass shows numerous indigenous nations that inhabited the area such as the “Mahicans” (Mohicans), “Wapanoos” (Wampanoag), and the “Sennecas” (Seneca).