The Looting of the Museum of Art, by Hanaa Malallah
Item Data
Malallah, Hanaa’ هناء مال الله Hanaa Malallah (1958-) Hanāʼ Mālallāh Hanaa Malallah Hana Malallah
Item Source
Peter Hastings Falk, Contemporary Iraqi Art: Catalog of an exhibition of rotating artworks from the Pomegranate Gallery's collection by Iraqi artists (New York: Pomegranate Gallery Press and Falk Art Reference, 2007), p.14
Compare also "سرقة المتحف العراقي" and "The Looting of the Museum of Baghdad."
Created on wood that the artist has cut, burned, and painted --- an example of her "Ruins Technique".
Compare also "سرقة المتحف العراقي" p.195 in Art in Iraq Today, curated by Dia Al-Azzawi, Charles Pocock ; edited by Samar Faruqi. Milano: Skira, 2011 (N 7267 .A78 2011 catalog record) = Catalog of an exhibition held at Meem Gallery, Dubai (SA), 2011