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Mich. Ms. 28. Fol. 111v; note the initial tau in the shape of an imaginary winged creature with a human face, blessing hands, legs, and numerous…
Mich. Ms. 35. Verso of front cover containing ownership inscription written directly on the wood (bottom left):Πραξαπώστολος τοῦ ἁγίου Νικολάου τοῦ…
Mich. Ms. 35. Fol. 5v; note the elongated initial epsilon.
Mich.Ms. 49. Fol. 32r; Basil the Great, Liturgy, scribe <Ioasaph II>. Ioasaph’s script has a pronounced inclination to the right and is rich in…
Mich. Ms. 45. 112r; Headpiece for the Panegyrikon; the page contains the beginning of the ninth homily by Basil of Caesarea; note the heart-shaped…
Fol. 8r; note the large epsilon on the bottom of the page, one of seven major initials throughout this fragment; they were executed in gold over…
Mich. Ms. 47. Back cover inside; the pastedown missing, revealing wide turn-ins with mitered corners, holes along the spine edge, most plugged with…
Mich. ms. 26. front cover and part of the spine; note the very faint pattern of blind tooloing, the three corner bosses, a central brass plaquette…
Mich. Ms. 24. The repair cloth crosses the spine, a coarser weave than the thin, fineweave silk fragments visible on the front and back…
Mich. Ms. 24. Inside of back cover is a red and green braided strap end on top of the pastedown.Euthymios Zigabenos, Panoplia dogmatica,…