Abbott, Helen - 2000 (to Julie Herrada)
Abrams, Irving - 1952
(l')Adunata Dei Refrattari – 1944
ACLU to Cleoria E. Gagnier – 1940-1941
Albert, L'Ouvrier (Martin, Alexander dit) – 1857
Aldred, Guy – 1961
Alison, Stephen – 1949
Amana Society (about) -- 1939 (from Z.C. Dickinson to U.S. Dept. of Labor)
American Liberty Defense League -- 1918 (re: non-combatant service)
Anonymous (n.d., to the Editor of Chicago Daily News re: anarchists in Chicago and a November 11 meeting)
Anderson, C.W. – 1923
Andrews, John B. –1932
Arnold, Marian N. -- 1958 (to Mrs. Tucker-Riche re: death of Stephen T. Byington)j
Ashleigh, Charles – 1937
Associated Anarchists (see Quinn, C.T.)
Association Max Stirner du Kebec – February 25/15 [sic]
Atwell, Edgar – 1903
Avrich, Paul - 1991, 1995 (to Bob Helms)
Bailie, William - Dec. 4, 1907 (to John B. Andrews)
Ballantine, Stella - 1950 (to and from Sadie Cook)
Barker, Ambrose George (1929-1949) (Walthamstow Working Men's Club)
Barnes, Harry Elmer - 1966 (to Wylie C. Sampson)
Barral, J. – 1938
Baskette, Ewing - 1950 (to and from Sadie Cook)
Baskette, Ewing - 1954-55 (to and from William Barkley)
Baskette, Ewing C. (to Labadie Collection)
Bell, Thomas H. – April 22, 1936
Beni - (to and from Franklin Rosemont)
Berkeley Barb - August 5, 1969 (letter from D.K. to "Brothers and Sisters")
Beulah, Ann –
Blanc, Louis - 1878-1881 (six letters to Alfred Joseph Naquet)
Booth, John Nicholls - 1973 (to Abdeen Jabara)
Boquet, W. – 1943
Borsodi, M. (Mildred Loomis?) - September 18, 1939 (to Z.C. Dickinson)
Boston Public Library – 1949
Bromstad, Karl – 1938
Brovont, Ivan A. – 1946
Brown, Ames T. – mid to late 1970s
Burbank, David – 1951
Burns, Vincent Godfrey – 1965-66
Butler, Susan E. — 1968
Byington, Steven T. - 1939-1940 (to and from Henry Cohen concerning B. Tucker)
Cappon, Lester – 1936
Carnies, Eva P. – 1939
Cascaden, Gordon – late 1930s-1940s
Chaplin, Ralph - 1952/53 (to Alfred Harris)
Chomsky, Noam - 1996 (to and from Bob Helms)
Cleaver, Eldridge – late 1970s
CNT, French - 1976 (from French anarchists to Bay Area anarchists who authored "A World to Win")
Coalmines – Accidents – 1920s
Cohen, Henry – to B. Tucker – July 20, 1926
Cohen, Henry - L. Labadie - 1932-1933 (concerning B. Tucker)
Cohen, Max -- ?
Columbia University, Seligman Library – 1942
Common, Thomas – 1899
Congress of Industrial Organizations – 1949
Conroy, Jack – 1986, 1933
Conroy, Jack – 1956-1970 (to William Wedlake and misc. material)
Cook, Cassius V. - 1913-1947 (to and from Pearl Johnson Tucker)
Cook, Cassius V. - 1949 (to and from Myron Simon)
Cook, Cassius V. - (various recipients)
Cook, Margaret B. - 1914 (to C.V. Cook)
Cook, Sadie - 1950 (to E. Haldeman-Julius)
Council on African Affairs, Inc. – 1952
Coughlin, Rev. Charles E. - 1939 (to Edward M. McDonald)
Coxey, Jacob S. – 1895
Davis, Georgia (Contralto) - 1966 (to Mary Hays Weik)
Davis, Horace B. – 1930
Day, Hem – 1939
de Cleyre, Voltairine (to Horace Traubel)
Debs, Eugene V. (2 letters to J. Wm. Lloyd)
Dennett, Mary Ware – 1925
Desser, J. – November 26, 1936
Detroit Metal Traders and Founders Association – October 4, 1901
Detroit Typographical Union
Dodson, Chuck – 1990-1991
Dodson, Chuck – Letters to Chuck Dodson – mid 1990s
Doran, J.T. (Red) – April 21, 1919
Dow, Alex to Agnes Inglis – 1913
Drescher, Martin – 1916
Dubowitz, Anna – August, 1934 (?)
Eastman, Max – 1916 through 1957
Elliott, James B. - Dec. 13, 1907 (to John B. Andrews)
Enckel, Mariane - to Louis Maraviglia - January 8, 1996
Federación de Anarquistas de Mexico – Circular #1 – [1938]
Fagin, Henry – late 1930s
Farrington, Frank – 1923
Fellowship of Reconciliation – August 4, 1930
Field, Edward – 1998
Fleming, G.W. – 1937-1939
Flint Public Library – 1952
Flores Magon, Ricardo to Basilia Franco – 3 December 1914
Forss, Gustav to Joyce Kornbluh - Jan. 28, 1965
Free Society Group – 1938
Freedom Group – February 14, 1937
Freeman, Elisabeth –
Freidenker Publishing Co. – 1912
Fritts, Joseph –
Garney, J.T. – May 13, 1906
Gartner, Dan (to John Zerzan) - No date
Gast, Peter
Gellert, Hugo – 1960s-1990s?
Georgakas, Dan (re: Martin Sostre)
Givens, Billy – 1964, 1991
Glass, Frank C. – March 12,1935
Gold, Michael - Moscow, December 29, [1930] to "Jess"
Goldman, Emma – May 24, 1912
Gompers, Samuel - to Herbert Welch about exclusion of Japanese workers from membership in AFL - August 31 and Sept. 17, 1920
Goodfriend, Audrey – 1948, 1979, etc.
Gotzler, Steve -- 9 May 1993, 197_
Grenell, Judson – late 1890s/early 1900s
Groff, Suzanne -- 1975 (to and from Jack Schwartz re: Wounded Knee)
Grosse, Edward – March 15, 1912
Guérin, Daniel – 14 letters dated 1980-1987 and misc. material
Gutierrez, Maria G. about Ricardo Flores Magon and Librado Rivera – Sept. 2, 1922
Haber, Alan - from Rebecca Adams, Harold Taylor, William Haber, various others - 1961-1981
Haber, William – September 2, 1932
Haldeman-Julius, E. - to R.L. Wilder - 1949
Hall, Geoff - to Lorraine Perlman, August 13, 1988
Hannon, J.C. – Nov. 19, 1890
Hapgood, Hutchins – 1943
Harllee, John T. – May, 1989
Harp, Carl - to Malcolm Archibald - 1980
Heinrich, T.H. – 1869
Herring, Ralph – Herring, Florence (Florence McClinchey) – April 30, 1940
Hilgard, E.W. –
Hillquit, Morris – May 24, 1929
Hills, John N. – June 28, 1893
Hirsch, Albert – mid 1960s
Hoff, Gershom A. – 1888-1889
Hoffman, Abbie - 1982 -- autographed note to Ruth Levita signed Abbie/Barry
Holdridge, Herbert
Holmes, William
Horvath, William B. – April 22, 1995
Howat, Alexander –
Hubbard, Elbert - April 12, 1917
Hughes, Langston – 1931
Hull, Moses - July 1? (to daughter Florence Johnson)
Hurt, Walter (to J. Wm. Lloyd)
Igualada, Miguel Gimenez – November 1959
Illuminations Press - October 8, 1967 (from Norman Moser to Ralph Gleason)
IWW (Industrial Workers of the World)
IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) -- Becker, Ray – 1921-1934
IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) -- Brazier, Richard
IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) -- General Defense Committee - 1918-1924
IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) -- Industrial Solidarity – April 9, 1926
IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) -- Wallace, Daniel – late 1910s?
IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) -- Welch, Nate – Sept. 8, 1918
Inglis, Agnes - Dec. 1, 1914 (to Carolyn Spicer)
International Association of Machinists – 1901-1902
International Congress of Working Women – March 5, 1921
International Institute for Social History – 1937
Internationale Wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz – late 1960s/early 1970s
Ishill, Joseph – to Thomas Keel -- Sept. 28, 1927; Jan 2, 1928; Jan 30, 1928; Feb 28, 1935)
Jabarra, Abdeen - June 10, 1969 (from Margaret J. Howell, Chariman of the Middle East Committee)
James, Charles L. – November 27th, 1901
Johnson, Oliver - 1855-1884
Josten, J. - 1952 (to Mr. R.A.E. Hefter on "Features and News from Behind the Iron Curtain" letterhead)
Kelly, Harry - 1938 - (letter and postcard to Olay)
Kelsey, S.L. – July 12, 1883 (to M.C. O'Byrne)
Kenosha Hosiery Strike – 1928
Keracher, John – early 1920s
Kick It Over (Toronto anarchist publication) (letters to Bob Melcombe)
Kim Dae Jung – 1985
King, Frank L.
Kisken, Robert J. – Letters to – 1960s
Kisliuk, Lillian – 1938
Klug, Brian – to Ashley Montagu – February 16, 1977
Koestler, Arthur - to Robert Montgomery - May 15, 1948
Koopman, Harry L. – to "Mr. Tucker" (B.R. Tucker?) – January 26, 1892
Kotoku Protest Conference –
Kropotkin, P.A. – 1911, January 1903, January 1923, February 1923
Krull, Albert - 1894
Kuzmich, Nicholas-Bond
Labadie, Oliver – June 4th, 1908
Lahr, Charles MSS – 1960s
Lahring, Mrs. F.J. to Laurance Labadie - re: death of her uncle Austin W. Wright, October 7, 1931
Lang, Harry - to Sadie Cook - May 15, 1950
Lang, Lucy Robins - 1949
Lazareff, L. – 1920s
Le Guin, Ursula K. - 2006 (letter and submission of poem to Fifth Estate Newspaper)
Leach, William R.—mid 1970s
League for Industrial Democracy – December 23, 1960
League for the Amnesty of Political Prisoners – 1932
League of Humanity (C.V. Cook)
Lesnick, Henry -- December 22, 1969
Levey, Jeanne (1930s-1990s) to and from various people including E. Goldman, Eva Langbord, Morris Langbord; also biographical information about Levey compiled by Ann Lewin Diament
Lissagaray, (H.P.O.) – 7 June 1879
Livesey, Francis B. – to Joshua T. Small of Provincetown, Mass (CF J.A. Labadie Press) – Oct. 16, 1902
Llano Cooperative Colony – 1925
Malato, Nina – see Spies, Rosa Nina van Zandt Malato
Malina, Judith - to Lorraine Perlman, et. al.
Manlove, George Warren – 1948
Mansevich, Nicholai (Case) – 1920s
Martin, James J. - 1948 (to and from Ernest Robinson of Suffolk County Historical Society)
Martinson, Robert M. – 1950s
McCabe, Joseph to (D.S.P.?) Haynes – 1911 (2 pieces)
McGregor, J.M. - 1920s (32 pieces including letters from Judson Grenell, Jo Labadie and Agnes Inglis)
McKay, Rosa - 1917? (to Editor of Bisbee Review)
McLaggan, George –
Medvecky, Nick - to Peter and Marilyn Werbe, 2001-2004
Meltzer, Albert –
Metzkow, Max – August 5th, 1897
Michigan University – Presidents Office – Labadie Collection – Sept. 16, 1939
Michigan University Library – Bishop, W.W. – Labadie Collection – 1930s
Michigan University Library – Goodrich, F.L.D. – Labadie Collection – 1914, 1926
Michigan University Library – Haager, C.L. – Sept. 12th, 1932
Michigan University Library – Rice, W.G. – 1940s
Miles, Robert - August 28, 1975
Militant, the – August 10, 1953
Morris, William – Letters on Socialism – April 2-May 6, 1888.
Morrison, L.G. – July 21st, 1886
Murphy, Secret Service – August 16, 1920
Nadaud, M. – to J.P. Beluze, 1861 (9 pieces)
Nomad, Max - to Paul Avrich, September 21, 1968
Nolt, James - from various, 1987
Nelson, Walter M. – 1921-1923
New York Labor Items – March 19, 1928
Obregon, Alvaro –1918 and 1919 (3 pieces)
O'Hair, Madalyn Murray – late 1960-1971
O'Hare, Kate - (2 folders, including "Emma Goldman Letters") 1919
Olay, Maximilian (2 folders) – 1937-1938
Olerich, Henry (to) – July 1, 1918
Oloffson, Gunnar – Dec. 18th, 1968
Otter, Laurens - no date - to Martin Gilbert
Oxman, F.C. – Dec. 25, 1916
Pages, Garnier – 1834 (?)
Palmer, Paquetta - 1980s
Peacock, James - May 26, 1966 (of the Poor People's Liberation Front of Mississippi)
Peacott, Joe (from various people in regarding his individualist zine, Anchorage Anarchy)
Pearson, Mark - 1970s (to and from Morris Tannehill, Peter McAlpine, Mike Oliver, Natalee Hall, R.A. Childs)
Pentecost, Hugh O.
People's Council of America – 1917
Perry, Grover H. – 1917
Pfaff, Henry (to Franklin Rosemont, April 11, 1984)
Pfeiffer, Immanuel (to Joshua T. Small of Provincetown, Mass) – 1902
Phillips, Wendell – 6 ALSs to Dr. I. Talbot – 1873
Pinkham, Harold (2 folders) – 1940 – 1976 (approx.)
PM Press (various letters from subscribers and customers)
Porter, David – 1982-199? (letters to Federico Arcos re: Vision on Fire)
Porter, David - 1979-80 (letters from various people)
Puccio, Peter (to Peter Werbe, 1984) (photo of Puccio included)
Quinn, C(harles) T. (Associated Anarchists – London) ca. 1895
Rab., I. to Jack MacDonald – Sept. 9, 1939 (concerning Workers Socialist Party)
Randolph, A. Philip/Congress of Racial Equality to Mrs. (Clara?) Vincent - January 14, 1958
Rebel Poet, The
Reclus, Elisee. An autograph letter signed, no date, addressed to the moderator of the Committee John Brown [Mr. Capron]. Reclus assures the committee of his unconditional support despite his absence from their next meeting. He refers to the donation, probably for the honorary medal intended to be given to the widow of John Brown. In French.
Reid, James P. – 28 March 1932
Relief Society for Political Prisoners in Russia (Detroit) – June 1927
Ricau, Jackson – June 30, 1988
Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works – Sept. 16, 1901
Rising Youth Groups
Roberts, Don - to John Boyle - 1964, 1975
Rochester, Anna – late 1920s/early 1930s
Rocker, Rudolf – 1928
Rogers, Dorothy - 1938 (to Provisional Committee for Anti-Fascist Action)
Rogers, Dorothy - 1940 (Bortolotti Defense Committee)
Romer, Sam – 1935
Rosenfeld, M. – 1910
Roth, Oliver N. – 1936
Ruge, Arnold – date unknown and July 17, 1871
Rushton, John – 1933
Russell, B.H. – 1939
Sacco, Nicola 1891-1927 – 1925, 1927
Saline Valley Farm – 1935
Sassaman, W.R. – 1934
Schaller, John
Schmidt, Matthew A. – 1919
Seeger, Pete - to Saul Schneiderman - September 14, 1987
Sexauer, H. F. – 1932
Shibara, J. – 1932
Shiley, Jim (SHIMO Underground)
Smedley, Agnes –
Socialist Labor Party – 1910
Society of Seekers (Henry McCullough) – January 2, 1932
Solidarite International Antifasciste – 1939
Souchy, Augustin – 1969
Spain – CNT-FAI (2 folders)—1937
Spain – Confederacion Regional del Trabano de Cataluna Secretaria – 1936
Spain – Solidaridad International Antifascista – 1938
Spanish Civil War –
Spading, Charles T. - March 6, 1950 (concerning the death of C.V. Cook)
Spain - Political Prisoners
Spencer, Lisa
Sprinkle, Annie - to "Robin Boy Wonder" - 1979
Stassova, H. – 1937
Steele, Larry – 1951
Steimer, Mollie – 1939
Stewart, Rolland C. – 1992
Surie, Harry – 1918
Trade Union Educational League – 1922
Tubbs, W.F. (to Bro. Totten)
Tucker, Benjamin – to R.F. and J. Ishill – January 3, 1935; to Mr. (William Charles) Owen, Jan. 31, 1924
Turner, John – 1904, 1934
Unemployed Associations – 1934
United States Dept. of Justice Internal Security Division (to Mary Lu Yavenditti) Sept. 27, 1966
United States Dept. of Labor Immigration Service - 1934-35 (to and from Agnes Inglis)
Urban, Spartaco – to Pearl J. Tucker
Van Paasan, Pierre – 1936
Vanderveer, George F. - January 15, 1918 (to and from Rev. Wm Scarlett)
Vermorel, A. (J.M.) – 21 August 1861
Vicinus, Martha – 24 May 1969
Villard, Oswald Garrison - 1929 (to Margaret Kress)
"War" (Correspondence about a pamphlet…) – 1916
Watmough, David to (John and Anita?) Merritt – May 27, 1981
Waudby, William S. – 1902-1903
Weber, Edward C. (various letters to editors, colleagues, friends, and bureaucrats, and a few parodies)
White, William Allen – 1934
Wicke, Prof. – 1869 (?)
Witcop, Rose - 1918
Williams, Nelson G. – 1953
Worman, Jack - Sept. 1, 1917 (to Fred Moore re: IWW Bisbee Strike)
Wood, Bill – 1937
Woodhouse, Henry J. -- 1928
Worden, Stella – 1945-1949
Workmen's Circle – 1957
Wraneker, Lucinda – 1965
Wright, A.W.
Yellow Dog Contracts - 1920s
Young, Art - Sept. 7, 1932 (to Mr. Trowbridge); March 26, 19?? (to R.T.)